Venissa Ristorante a Venezia

ItaliaVenissa Ristorante



🕗 orari di apertura

3, Fondamenta di Santa Caterina, 30142, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italien
contatti telefono: +39 041 527 2281
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.4885417, Longitude: 12.4109406

commenti 5

  • Sanjay Pappachan

    Sanjay Pappachan


    This is supposedly a well renowned restaurant (and expensive) and we didn't eat here but their wine yard and farm in front of the restaurant was a good walk. At the back, you could have the views of the calming canal and less customers.

  • en

    Francesca Onori


    You must try it! There is a lovely philosophy and true love bheind the DORONA wine, homemade glass bottle, gold label and the tap is closed with wax. Unbelievable staff and great service, the location is astonished! It's not cheap but we were more than happy to pay for it.

  • en

    Pier Giorgio Marchetti


    We have been at the Osteria contemporanea on a rainy day. Very good traditional food revisited with a modern touch! An excellent experience, very friendly staff provides recommendations on wine and food.

  • mariana rodrigues

    mariana rodrigues


    Amazing experience: from the arrival To this small charming island till the coffee served in the middle of the vineyards. For sure the sharp but good menu executed with excellence also weights the evaluation. Octopus polenta and gnocchi were superb.

  • en

    Russell Poke


    Amazingly fresh dishes bursting with flavour - the mantis prawn dish and the tamarind tortellini dish are up there with some of the best things I've ever tasted! Would highly recommend the tasting menus, which were well balanced and exciting - plus you get some little extras thrown in along the way :) Staff were very friendly, relaxed and informative, and the location was beautiful. A fantastic contemporary spin on venetian cuisine and produce.

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