Villa Porpora a Roma

ItaliaVilla Porpora


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🕗 orari di apertura

Via Nicolo' Porpora 15, 00198 Roma RM, Italien
contatti telefono: +39 06 884 4776
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.9183184, Longitude: 12.4925278

commenti 5

  • Kamila Budna

    Kamila Budna


  • en

    M a l e k o


    great, small, cute hotel!

  • it

    luisa rossi


  • דפנה פרן

    דפנה פרן


    שרות בהתאם למחיר מספק למדי

  • Adrian Jones

    Adrian Jones


    This hotel was very clean, comfortable with an incredibly friendly team who went the extra mile to make our stay as slick and comfortable as possible through advice and service. My wife, daughter and I were made to feel very welcome. Located near the north-eastern corner of the Villa Borghese park, it is calm and quiet, yet a short walk through the beautiful park and you are into the busy heart of the city with easy access to the attractions of Rome. The park itself has a fantastic relaxed "Sunday stroll" feel about it with the sound of open-air jazz when we were there and with cycles of different types, Segways and buggies available to hire has plenty to keep a family happy in between the hectic city visits. We are looking forward to staying here again when we return to Rome.

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