Villaggio Turistico Europeo a Catania

ItaliaVillaggio Turistico Europeo



🕗 orari di apertura

91, Viale Presidente Kennedy, 95121, Catania, Provincia di Catania, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 095 591026
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 37.4456643, Longitude: 15.0852263

commenti 5

  • en

    Nicole A


    One Star is not enough! It is the most horrible place ever and we were traumatized by the sheer unfriendliness and rudeness of these people, needless to say the awful rooms. Do not trust the online pictures. I hope they go bust soon!!!

  • Nici A

    Nici A


    Very bad! I have tried contacting them again and again and they will not answer! I find it extremely bad policy to charge full price even 6 months before the booked date when canceling.And now comes the best! It was never booked by me and they will not reply! DO NOT GO THERE!!! BLOODY MAFIOSI!

  • en

    Agata Fiamingo


    Good exeperiece

  • Chloe Vaidya

    Chloe Vaidya


    I'm writing this review at 5:30am whilst our motorcaravan is shaking from the bass music coming from a disco very nearby. It's been going on for 6.5 hours. It's the worst night's sleep we've ever had.. Other things to mention: Facilities - horrible. Showers are disgusting; not private or clean and there's nowhere to hang your towel etc. Staff - staff have been fairly friendly, but they should absolutely mention the nearby disco before you check in. It's a joke they let you camp here and expect you to sleep. Beach - the beach is lovely and it's the only redeeming feature of this dump. However, there is no security, not even a gate, so anyone can walk in. Including a constant stream of the beach sellers who help themselves to the facilities of the campsite and just generally hang around the campsite and private beach, offering no privacy to sunbathers. And we're pretty sure a random dog peed on our BBQ during the night. Food - worst we've had in Italy. Cost - 50 euros for a camping pitch, with two dogs. Not worth a cent. And the icing on the cake, in the morning they burn rubbish nearby so you wake from whatever little sleep you got to the smell of burning waste. I can't recommend enough NOT to stay here. I'd rather sleep on the street than another night here.

  • en

    playstore einkaeufe


    Very loud place, surrounded by several open air discos. If you like music all night long, it's your place. We where leaving it in the middle of the night and found a quite parking place next to the highway.

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