Vintage Hotel Rome a Roma

ItaliaVintage Hotel Rome



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Domenicaaperto 24 ore
Via Torre Di Mezzavia 25, 00173 Roma RM, Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 9435 4360
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.8375726, Longitude: 12.5946605

commenti 5

  • Franco Gallo

    Franco Gallo


    Ottima struttura, camere molto pulite e confortevoli, ottimo il rapporto qualità prezzo anche su booking , personale gentilissimo, e all'altezza del compito, buona la colazione la mattina ...... vicino alla struttura ristoranti e centro commerciale, 20 minuti dal centro di Roma ...... 30 minuti per Fiumicino, 10 per Ciampino ...... Insomma provare per credere ........

  • Stef



    You get a cheap feeling to it. It seems close to the airport, it still is quite a while.

  • Boris Kontic

    Boris Kontic


    Good if you really need place to stay in that part of the city, and only if you're with a car. Internet wasn't working and there isn't much around there. Just Ikea and small shopping mall. Plus is the proximity to the airport Ciampino.

  • Mehdi Mahdavian Sadr

    Mehdi Mahdavian Sadr


    A Good hotel

  • en

    Ben Lunt


    The hotel itself was very nice, clean and very friendly staff. The rooms were cleaned everyday. Breakfast was a little disappointing coming from England with only scrambled eggs and over done bacon but croissants and cold ham were nice. Location of the hotel isn't great from campino airpirt there's a bus although we managed to get on the wrong bus and went to the centre of rome. The hotel is a bus ride off the last main metro station (underground to brits) anagnina. For a little guidance we got a ticket for 2 days to use the metro for 12 euro and managed to use all buses to, without showing any tickets. When leaving the metro you can get either 507 or 509 from out side next to the market stalls. Jump on and get off when you see ikea. It's next euronics across a disused car park quite hand to see or make out. Taxi driver ripped us off trying to find it themselves. Metro takes 30 mins to get to rome termini which is the main connection point for everything buses including open top tour (i recommend taking them to get your bearings, easy to get lost in Rome with the maps you get), trains and metro. There are two metro lines A and B nothing like London underground but handy to get around. Watch out for pick pockets.

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