Wirtshaus Vögele a Bolzano

ItaliaWirtshaus Vögele



🕗 orari di apertura

3, Via Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 39100, Bolzano, Provincia di Bolzano - Alto Adige, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 0471 973938
sito web: www.voegele.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.499066, Longitude: 11.352449

commenti 5

  • en

    Сергій Лисенко


    Friendly staff, good cuisine

  • Gloria Ciceri

    Gloria Ciceri


    Beautiful place, elegant but not too much. Service is super good as the food 🍝 I will go back there!

  • en

    Ingo Amplatz


    One of the best restaurants in the histofical center of bozen,fantastic, local,tirolean an italian dishes, unfortunatetly it s most of the gimes too crowded

  • Peter Ahlqvist

    Peter Ahlqvist


    This is a nice place. We went there to drink one night, and we had a good time. It was just as crowded as one would like when knocking back a few shots and a few pints. They served a very decent local beer and the bar staff was friendly and reasonably attentive. The second night we went for food and wine. Wirtshaus Vögele is focused on Tyrolean food and we truly had our fill. The service was quick, we were served our food without having to wonder where the waiter went and it was all very good. We had a truly hearty meal - nothing for you guys that are on a diet, but rich, well prepared and with distinguished but rustic tastes. Wirtshaus Vögele is very well worth a visit, being one of the best of the maybe ten restaurants I visited during my stay in Bozen.

  • Robert K

    Robert K


    Busy place. Were sitting outside. Service had a great sense of humor. Food was very good. Nice collection of local wines.

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