Avis a Firenze




🕗 orari di apertura

128, Borgo Ognissanti, 50123, Firenze, Città Metropolitana di Firenze, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 055 213629
sito web: www.avisautonoleggio.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.7739071, Longitude: 11.2437551

commenti 5

  • salamandrina max

    salamandrina max


    The manager should be fired in this rental. Everybody is extremely rude. Except a taller blonde lady was super sweet.

  • en

    Yorke Mackereth


    Had a really positive experience collecting our rental car. Yes there is a wait while other customers are attended to but my advice would be to give yourself plenty of time to collect your vehicle and also make sure you have all of your paperwork (ID, booking confirmation) ready when you are served. The young lady who served me was very pleasant and helpful as were the 2 other staff in the office. When I went to pick up the car I was approached by a gentleman who turned out to be the manager and he couldn't be more accomodating in helping us with advice on where to go (we were planning on spending 4 days touring around Tuscany). He helped set up the GPS and talked about how the farmers in the Tuscan region were producing their "new wine" and "new olive oil". Very happy !😊

  • Niklas Roos

    Niklas Roos


    Had a very pleasant experience from the staff at Avis who helped with maps, gave me a selection of different cars to choose from and there was no waiting time at all in November. At return they helped me with information on how not to get a fine if I would have ended up in a traffic limited zone. All very friendly.

  • en

    Maximilian Melchior


    We just had a minor problem: The car was booked weeks before our arrival with my wife's name but wanted to pay with my credit card. The Avis staff did not want to accept this and sent us away without further trying to find a solution. We then tried to ask the staff for alternatives but they simply ignored us. Since we rented a house several kilometers away this was quite a severe issue. The rude behaviour was very surprising. I urge everyone to seek another car rent since the smallest problem can lead to you being all on your own!

  • en

    Parisa Ghassemi


    Booked via auto europe and paid online. Waited one hour to be served only to be told there were no auto cars left yet there were at least another 20 people behind me in the queue. Got told my refund would be sorted... not the case as i am still awaiting a refund over 2 weeks later. Would give zero stars if i could.

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