Car Rental Group a Firenze

ItaliaCar Rental Group



🕗 orari di apertura

133R, Borgo Ognissanti, 50123, Firenze, Città Metropolitana di Firenze, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 055 239 8816
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.7737358, Longitude: 11.2435986

commenti 5

  • en

    Daniela Sanabria


    Very tricky guys. Charged the whole tank just because a lil bit was missing .. the ride from the gas station to the garage. They end up charging a lot of silly things and at the end is just more expensive. Also they charged us a fine for driving in a forbidden area were there was NO SIGN or a way to know that it was forbidden. VERY BAD Just rented the car for 1 day (60€) and end up paying like 250 euros in fines, gas and stupid charges.

  • p costa

    p costa


    Marco & Gloria were very helpful and efficient when we needed to rent 10 Vespas for a great day in Chianti! We also then rented a car for 3 of us who wanted to visit Assisi and Pienza. Thank you for making it easy!

  • Andrea Morelli

    Andrea Morelli


    great service and professionalism! totally recommended!

  • Anastasia Horwith

    Anastasia Horwith


    Crooks!!! I am still, 3 months later, dealing with their dishonest business practices. They switched license plates after I returned the car. My rental was in perfect condition, which they inspected and verified upon return. One hour later, when I went back to collect my luggage at their office, they said there was a 'problem'. They told me the car was 'dirty'. They took me to see it, and it was a different car, a different color, and had a dent in the back they were blaming on me. My rental was white, the car with the dent was tan. The glove box had someone else's documents in it, because we never rented that tan car. The Car Rental Group has now taken over $300 from my credit card, to pay for the damage, which I didn't do, on a car I never rented. Be careful, fellow travelers, it may not be a bad idea to take a photo of the car you rent, in the beginning.

  • Rongved Jens

    Rongved Jens


    Good service, but it is located within the restricted area of Florence, thus I received a fine from the Police of Florence for violating the restriction for driving to the garage of Carrentalgroup. My recommendation is to find another rental company outside the city area, which is not within the restricted area of driving cars.

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