Bibbo Luggage Storage a Roma

ItaliaBibbo Luggage Storage



🕗 orari di apertura

45, Via Milano, 00184, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 474 0706
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.898477, Longitude: 12.490891

commenti 5

  • Sarah Carter

    Sarah Carter


    Extremely professional, friendly and conveniently located! I also used them to schedule last minute transportation to airport. It was so easy and I was so thankful after a long trip and one less thing to figure out. Will sure to use them again in Rome!




    So caring m cooperative... Good Man

  • en

    Elizabeth Harding


    We arrived in Rome from a cruise ship and our car was late picking us up. We were supposed to go to the hotel before meeting for a tour of the Colosseum but we realized on the way that we had no time to go to the hotel. A quick google search and we found Bibbo and had our driver head straight there. We arrived 3 min before opening but they saw us and let us in. We dropped the bags and hurried to the Colosseum so we wouldn't miss our tour group. They were so helpful at drop off and pick up, even calling a taxi for us when we got back. I highly recommend them if you need a place to leave your bags while you explore Rome!

  • Tony ns

    Tony ns


    Nice enough guy. Saved us carrying our bags around all day. Good service

  • Nadia



    Cheap and affordable prices to leave your luggage for a couple hours or pick up on the day. Highly recommend!

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