KiPoint Deposito Bagagli a Roma

ItaliaKiPoint Deposito Bagagli



🕗 orari di apertura

34, Via Giovanni Giolitti, 00185, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 8901 4069
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.8994405, Longitude: 12.5026032

commenti 5

  • en

    brian mills


    Don't use this place we arrived 30 mins before the time was up and it took 1 hour to pick the bag up and they charged us for the overtime the staff are rude and unhelpful

  • Luca Casablanca

    Luca Casablanca


    If you plan to spend in Rome 5hours, you would definitely wait for good good, but you would never want to wait 2 hours queueing for leaving ur luggage. Destructured, slow, unorganized service. You are just a monopoly. This is why our country has such bad reputation.

  • en

    Julia Unti


    The service was very bad and the people working there were more than unfriendly. We had to wait super long and their luggage rules changed somehow inbetween two days as they decide randomly: once your rucksacks were ok and the other day we were not allowed to put your clothings on top as the guy said it is not part of the luggage.

  • en

    Michael Bamforth


    Waiting in line gives hours of enjoyment watching the hilarious incompetence of people who are so utterly indifferent to the service they are providing. Don't be fooled, this is a genius ploy in order to upgrade you to their "express" service at vast expense. If your time isn't valuable to you and you do choose to use this service make sure you take a ticket as soon as you arrive and don't get jumped in the queue. When collecting your bags be aware that the queue does not seem to exist, we were ushered straight to the front desk feeling like we were inconveniencing them for hoping for our bags back.

  • en

    Bazz Easterbrook


    They don't tell you that you have to pay extra (Quite a lot of I understood correctly) to deposit your luggage in a reasonable time, i refused. We were lucky. Someone who could not wait anymore gave us some waiting tickets further up the line. Collecting the bags was fine. Choose when you go if you can. Mid/ late morning not good. Collecting was no problem for us but may be at peak times.

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