Despar a Venezia




🕗 orari di apertura

Campiello De L'Anconeta 1944, 30121 Venezia VE, Italy
contatti telefono: +39 041 244 0243
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.443998, Longitude: 12.329322

commenti 5

  • David Farwell

    David Farwell


    If you want your supermarket to look like an opera house you'll love despar.

  • en

    Thibault laib


    That Spar is in an old Italian theatre. You would visit the theatre in other cities. So a supermarket in the middle is really cool. And they open late.

  • Michael Chung

    Michael Chung


    At first you can't believe this place is a supermarket. And then you go in and wow! It has been set up in an old theatre and they kept the interior as it was - impressive. It's quite a sight !

  • en

    James Galloway


    The weirdest supermarket I've ever been in, for good reason. If only all supermarkets were in such glamorous settings! It's an ex theatre that's been repurposed for all your Venetian shopping needs

  • Steph Leung

    Steph Leung


    If you love browsing supermarkets like me you should really stop by here when you're in Venice! It is part of the despar chain, but set in an old converted theatre! Such a treat to stumble upon! In terms of it being a supermarket, it is open late and a great place to stock up on snacks and cheap meals if you need to. Make sure you get the store's exclusive tote bag at the checkout!

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